Terms and Conditions (placeholder text)

Dummy texts are texts that are used in the production of publications or websites as placeholders for later content when the actual text is not yet available. They are also called dummy, filler or placeholder texts
designated. Sometimes song composers should use blind texts when composing melodies and sing them before composing the lyrics. Dummy texts are likely to have been common among typesetters as early as the 16th century.

Expediency in the case of meaningless content

Dummy texts are also used to demonstrate the shape of different fonts and for layout purposes. As a rule, they do not make sense in terms of content. Because of its widespread function as filler text for the layout
Illegibility is of particular importance, since human perception is geared, among other things, to recognizing certain patterns and repetitions. If the distribution of the letters and the length of the "words" is arbitrary,
does not, for example, distract from the assessment of the impact and legibility of different fonts (typography) and the distribution of the text on the page (layout or type area). Therefore, dummy texts usually consist of
a more or less arbitrary sequence of words or syllables. Repetitive patterns can therefore not spoil the overall impression and fonts can thus be better compared with one another. It is of course an advantage if
the dummy text appears halfway realistic so that the effect of the layout of the later publication is not impaired.

German or Latin? Incomprehensibility or legibility? These are the questions.

The most famous dummy text is the text "Lorem ipsum", which is said to have its origins in the 16th century. Lorem ipsum is written in a pseudo-Latin language that roughly corresponds to "natural" Latin. Find in Him
a number of real Latin words. This dummy text is also incomprehensible, but it imitates the rhythm of most European languages in Latin script. The advantage of the Latin origin and the
relative senselessness of Lorem ipsum is that the text neither attracts the attention of the viewer nor distracts from the design.

One disadvantage, however, is that in Latin certain letters appear more frequently and others less often, which creates a different print image. In addition, only the beginnings of sentences are capitalized in Latin, so that
Lorem ipsum cannot map the general noun capitalization of the German language. As a result, Lorem ipsum is only suitable to a limited extent as a visual placeholder for German-language texts. Should dummy texts serve to address the
To compare the peculiarities of the fonts, it can also be useful to choose texts that use as many letters and special characters as possible that are typical for the respective language.

Meanwhile, there is also an abundance of readable dummy texts. These are mostly used when their function is that of a pure placeholder text. These alternatives to the classic Lorem ipsum texts are often amusing
and tell small, funny or pointless stories.

Origin and meaning of the Lorem ipsum text

According to most sources, Lorem ipsum goes back to a text by Cicero from 45 BC. According to this, a Latin teacher determined the origin by collecting sources of the extraordinary word "consectetur".
and recognised the agreement with a passage in De finibus bonorum et malorum (Beyond the limits of good and bad) by Cicero, which was well known in the Middle Ages: "Neque porro quisquam est, qui do
lorem ipsum, quia dolor sit, amet, consectetur, adipisci velit [...] "
(Basically: "There is no one who loves pain itself, who looks for it and wants it, simply because it is pain [...]"). A typical Lorem ipsum text is something like: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit,
sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim [...] ".

Only fragments of the original text seem to have made it into the Lorem ipsum texts in use today. It can be assumed that in the course of time a number of letters were used in different places in the text
or have been deleted. Therefore, there are now slightly different versions of the text. Due to the age of the Lorem ipsum text, there are no copyright problems.

In the 1960s the text became known beyond the circle of typesetters and layouters, as excerpts from the Lorem ipsum text on Letraset sheets (until the 1980s widespread and popular adhesive letters on transparent
Foils) were used. Versions of the text were subsequently also supplied in DTP programs (desktop publishing) such as PageMaker etc.

Automatic detection of Lorem ipsum during print preparation

The spread of computers and layout programs made dummy texts more popular. In the past, a few lines of the Lorem ipsum text were continuously repeated in dummy texts, today Cicero's text serves as the basis for many dummy texts
or Lorem ipsum generators. Based on this, these automatically generate longer sections of the Lorem ipsum text or various other placeholder texts.

The sequence of terms used in the Lorem ipsum text is so common nowadays that many DTP programs can generate dummy texts with the initial sequence "Lorem ipsum". It is of great advantage that the phrase "Lorem ipsum" is
recognised today in electronic print preparation and a warning message can be triggered. This prevents a publication from mistakenly going to print with some filler text that has remained.

However, some Internet providers take advantage of the fact that filler or placeholder texts cannot be recognised by automatic search programs, for example, meaning that meaningless information cannot be distinguished from meaningful information:
Targeted generated dummy text, provided with a specific combination of search words, can lead to increased access by search engine users. As a result, the advertising revenue generated by the "hit count" of the
Depend on web page.
